Millenia Empire
Millenia Empire a 6000 year in the futur reality, or other dimension were Hatsune V Miku was created.
The Empire is a one city state under the space station dome in orbit over the planet Iciria, lightyears from earth position. But some Millenia historian believe it where earth in the futur will be. It rules by empress Izaria Silverhand, 3 leader of the empire. The empire do not operate military operation outside it city state, but do house private organisation that do acte outside the city state, from inside the empire, like CB1
Hatsune V Miku, is member of the Paramilitary organisation called CB1, a armed forces dedicated to eradique the scars of war, but Hatsune has a similar but different mission, to eteint the eradication of war throuth her song and gesture of help.